

Children love Christmas, and for good reason. They’re the primary beneficiaries of Santa’s generosity, and they get to indulge in holiday treats such as gingerbread houses and candy canes and take a vacation from school. And while Christmas is the perfect time to let kids be kids, the holidays offer ample opportunity to teach them a little responsibility.

Here are a few ways you can help build character during the season of joy.

  • Teaching your child to give. While your child can’t afford to give family members the biggest items on their lists, they can learn the merits of giving from the heart. Encourage your child to use their allowance or offer them a one-time Christmas spending allowance. Have them make a list of everyone they want to buy gifts for and then use their funds to make it happen. This is a habit that’ll carry into adulthood.

  • Get cooking with your child. The holidays are an ideal time to teach your child how to set the table properly, how to clear a table and how to plan a meal. Depending on your child’s age, you can include him or her in different stages of meal planning, cooking, prep and cleaning.

  • Decking the halls. It’s time to decorate the tree and string lights. Instead of your child watching in wonder, make him or her part of the process! Choose unbreakable ornaments and work in tandem to string lights. Any amount of work will make your child feel helpful.

  • A holiday greeting. Sending holiday cards in the mail? Leave an extra spot for your child’s signature. Have him or her stuff, seal and place stamps on the envelopes.

Engaging your child in preparation for the holidays gives him or her a realistic perspective on the work that goes into it all, which will help them appreciate and savor the spirit of the season going forward.

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