
Being productive isn’t all about staying busy. It helps to have a plan so you know what needs to be checked off the list and when.
Below are some simple steps to help you get more done in the time in which you have available to do it. Who knows, there may even be time left over!
Find a mentor. Model the time management best practices of others you see doing it right.
Broadcast your goals. Accountability is key in reaching milestones. It helps to have people checking in on you and expecting you to do what you say you’re going to do.
Cut down on technology. To keep from getting sidetracked, try working on paper rather than on your computer. This way you won’t be tempted to browse the Internet while trying to get projects or homework completed.
Delegate responsibilities. If you’ve got big goals you want to achieve, seek assistance from others. Write down all the necessary tasks, from smallest to biggest. Next, think of people close to you who have the talent and willingness to help. Then ask!
Make a schedule. Treat your goals like a school assignment or a job. The best way to check tasks off a list in a reasonable amount of time is to establish deadlines. This way you avoid oversleeping, spending too much time on one activity or losing focus.
Make a to-do list every day. Making a to-do list for the next day will help you wake up with a sense of purpose, and you’ll feel more motivated to strive toward your goals.
Get plenty of sleep. Experts recommend sleeping eight to 10 hours a night to boost brainpower and recharge your body. For the first three days, falling asleep earlier may be difficult, but your body will get used to it—and be better for it.
Eliminate distractions. Keep a journal of how long you spend on extra activities such as playing video games, watching television, surfing the Internet and looking at your phone. This should give you an idea of time you could harness for productive activities. Keep the journal going until your habits have become naturally productive.
Take breaks. Focusing on one thing for long periods of time can cause fatigue and lead to burnout. Take a break every 45 minutes or so and take a walk or chat with a friend or family member.
Get started! The biggest waste of time is procrastination. Seize the day and dive headfirst into your next goal, big or small!